In addition, the jury selected a further 21 photos that were presented during the touring exhibition 2020/2021 in the participating Studierendenwerke, in the French Crous and in the Berlin office of the DFJW:
5th Franco-German Photo Competition 2020

The Franco-German photo competition is a photo competition for students from Germany and France, which is jointly organized by the DSW, the Cnous, the Studierendenwerke and the Crous. In 2020 it took place on the subject of "Mobilität | Mobilité".
The photo competition is intended to strengthen Franco-German friendship, promote the artistic and international activities of the students, and support the international activities of the Crous and Studierendenwerke through the DSW and the Cnous.
In an intensive exchange, the members of the Franco-German jury selected the winners of the competition on the subject of "Mobilität | Mobilité" and other pictures for the traveling exhibition in the Studierendenwerke and Crous.
These are the three winners of the competition:
I. Prize: Sigrun Höfelmeier, STW Würzburg: On The Train Ride Home - € 1,000
II. Prize: Agathe Denais, Crous de Paris: In Reichweite / À portée de main - € 500
III. Special appreciation for the Franco-German friendship: Celine Loeby, Crous de Paris: Fast Berlinische Life
5th Franco-German photo competition 2020: Interview with the winners
Digital exhibition: 5th Franco-German photo competition 2020
To the online photo gallery of the traveling exhibition on the subject of "Mobility":