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The Franco-German Photo Competition is a competition for students from Germany and France, jointly organised by the DSW, the Cnous, the Student Unions and the Crous. In 2022, it took place on the theme of "Solidarity". The photo competition aims to strengthen Franco-German friendship, promote artistic and international activities among students, and support the international activities of the Crous and Student Unions through the DSW and the Cnous. By doing so, the photo competition aims to promote students' creative expressions and at the same time strengthen their commitment to the Franco-German friendship.

Photography contest 2022

Around 1,187 students from Germany and France submitted their photos. From the large number of interpretations of the theme SOLIDARITY, the members of the Franco-German jury (Cnous, DFJW and DSW, photographers and former prize winners) first made an individual pre-selection. Then, during an online session, the best photos of the competition were carefully chosen from the 157 favorites.

The winners of the competition on the theme of Solidarity

First place (1.000€) : Terence Li : Solidarität gibt es immer. Wir müssen sie nur aufdecken / La solidarité existe toujours. Il suffit de la découvrir (StudierendenWERK Berlin)


Second place (500€) : Erwan Egreteau: Eine ausgestreckte Hand / Une main tendue (Crous de Bordeaux-Aquitaine)

Erwan Greteau SOLIDARITAET web

Special appreciation for Franco-German friendship: Theo Ikareth: Alle einzigartig, alle vereint, leidenschaftlich! / Tous uniques, tous unis, passionnément! (Crous de Rennes-Bretagne)

Theo Ikareth SOLIDARITAET web

Special appreciation for solidarity with Ukraine: Maria Semenova: Auf der anderen Seite der Grenze / De l'autre côté de la frontière (Crous de Montpellier-Occitanie)


In addition, the jury has selected another 20 photographs to be presented as part of a travelling exhibition in 2022/2023 in the participating unions, in the French Crous and in the DFJW:

Online Gallery:

The Franco-German Competition is organised for the seventh time by the German Student Union (DSW) in cooperation with its French partner, le Centre National des Œuvres Universitaires et Scolaires (Cnous). The project is supported by the Franco-German Youth Office (DFJW).

Further information on the project can be found at:

Digital documentation of the project