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The Franco-German Photo Competition is a competition for students from Germany and France, jointly organized by the DSW, the Cnous, the Student Unions and the Crous. In 2023, it took place on the theme of "Freedom." The photo competition aims to strengthen Franco-German friendship, promote artistic and international activity among students, and support the international activities of the Crous and Student Unions through the DSW and the Cnous. The photo competition thus aims to promote students' creative expressions while strengthening their commitment to the Franco-German friendship.

Photography contest 2023

2023 marked the eighth edition of the Franco-German Photo Competition. Around 350 students from Germany and France submitted their photos. From the multitude of interpretations of the theme FREEDOM, the members of the Franco-German jury (Cnous, DFJW and DSW, photographers and former prize winners) first made an individual pre-selection. Then, from the 110 favorites, the best photos of the competition were selected during a meeting

The winners of the competition on the theme of Freedom

First place (1.000€): Vincent Lecoq: Mon dieu fais moi un oiseau que je puisse m'envoler loin d'ici / Lieber Gott, mach mich zu einem Vogel, damit ich von hier weit weg fliegen kann, Crous de Grenoble-Alpes

1.Preis 31 1 web

Second place (500€): Yuliia Pozniak: Tanzende Frau / Femme qui danse, Studentenwerk Leipzig

2.Preis 50 2 web

Special appreciation for Franco-German friendship: Nathan Montaclair: La liberté dans le soleil couchant / Freiheit in der untergehenden Sonne, Crous de Paris

3.Preis 216 3 web

In addition, the jury has selected another 21 photographs to be presented as part of a travelling exhibition in 2023/2024 in the participating Student Unions, in the French Crous and in the DFJW.

Further information on the project can be found at:

Digital documentation of the project