Mensa & CampusCard
The mensas and cafeterias of the Studierendenwerk only accept the mensa cards as payment. These can be topped up with money at the credit machines.
All students get their card at the time of enrollment.
All guests get their cards at our mensa-card offices/Info Points:
Please make sure you have your student card and identification with you when you come to collect up your mensa card. There is a deposit of 10,- € on the card, which you will get back when you return your card. The service-bureaus also issue the guest cards.
When and how do I use the mensa-card?
The chip-card is used to pay without cash, as this speeds the process up. You don't even need to take your card out of your wallet or purse to use it - you just put your wallet, with the card in it, on the card-reader at the checkout counter. The cashier enters your choice of food and drink. The digital display on the reader shows your old balance, the amount being deducted from your card, and your new balance.
You can credit your account at our mensa-card machines. Simply hold your wallet with the card up to the reader. The display will then show you your current credit. You can now increase the balance on your card by using various cashless payment methods. The symbols of the respective payment methods are displayed on the machines. At the end of the transaction the new value will be shown on the display. You can repeat this procedure any time you wish to put more money on your card.
If you merely want to know how much money you have left, you can hold the card up to any reader and your current balance will be shown on the display.
You cannot put money on your card at the checkout counter!
Protection of privacy!?
There is no personal data on your card. All that is saved on your card is the card-number, the current balance and a label that specifies whether it is a student-, a staff- or a guest-card, as this makes a difference to how much you are charged for your meals.
What if my card gets lost or damaged?
If your card is lost, we can block it for you, so anyone who finds your card won't be able to use it. Any money left on your card can be replaced. If the card is returned, you can get it back at the mensa-card office if you show us your ID.
If your card is damaged, we will also be able to return your money. However, if the card has obviously been mistreated, is badly stained or cannot be found, you will lose your deposit.
How should my card be treated?
The card shouldn't be folded or bent, exposed to high temperatures or have holes punched in it. All of these can cause malfunctions which will mean your deposit is lost.
Terms of Use
Further information and the terms of use of the Mensacard can be found here on this page.