Organic certification of our mensas All of our mensas are certified as "bio" or organic. Our products come from ecologically sustainable or biological cultivation. These dishes are displayed in the menu with the Organic Logo. | |
Fair Trade coffee, cacao, chocolate and tee In our cafeterias we only serve fair trade coffee, tee and cacao as well as chocolate and bars with the "Trans-fair" seal. This seal stands for fair trade and a fair wage for the producers. | |
CO2-neutral "sailed coffee" in Regensburg and in Passau Starting with a fair wage for the coffee farmers and the organic cultivation of the coffee up to its transport: the "Slokoffie" produces 90% less CO²-emissions than a conventional transport of coffee. Enjoy your coffee with a clear conscience! | |
We joined the "Europäische Masthuhn-Initiative" The Studentenwerk is committed to sustainability and better animal welfare. At the end of 2020, the Studentenwerk joins the Europäische Masthuhn-Initiative (European Broiler Chicken Initiative). The initiative’s members agree to put the requirements for 100% of Europe’s chicken consumption into practice until the year 2026. | |
We use "Bruderhahn" eggs in homemade baked goods The Studentenwerk Niederbayern/Oberpfalz supports better animal welfare and uses eggs from chickens whose "brothers" are raised, so-called "Bruderhähne", for freshly made baked goods such as cakes, pastries and much more. The male chicks are not killed after hatching. | |
100% of our noodles and rice are organic We continuously aspire an opimal product quality - even with our side dishes! Our noodles and our rice are 100% certified organic. | |
Cooperation with Juradistl We support biodiversity and regional lifestock farming with traceable origin. In our mensas we serve tasty dishes in cooperation with Juradistl. Thus, we support the biggest biodiversity project of the region Oberpfalz. | |
Sustainable work clothing The Studentenwerk is also committed to sustainability when it comes to work clothing: labels such as Grüner Knopf and fair-trade cotton, Made in Green and certified materials that have been tested against harmful substances are among our preferred quality features. We rely on providers who continuously improve social, ecological and economic sustainability along the entire production chain and give something back to the community through social projects. | |
Acrylamide reduction Acrylamide has been suspected to be a health hazard for a while now. That's why the Studentenwerk pledged to cook its meals in a way that reduces the amount of Acrylamide in the food. On top of that, we regularly control the amount of Acrylamide in our meals. | |
Studentenwerkshonig (honey) Did you know that the Studentenwerk has its own honey? It's produced by Fridolin Artinger, chef of the TH Deggendorf mensa. You can buy the honey in one of the Studentenwerk's cafeterias. Both regional and delicious. | |
Reusability Join us in our fight against disposable packaging! To reduce waste and protect the environment, the Studentenwerk provides reusable packaging for both drinks and food. | |
Fresh products in a jar In the Studentenwerk we don't put your smoothie, porridge or salad into plastic containers. Instead, we put these fresh meals into glass jars. Of course, you will get the deposit of 1€, respectively 2€, back after you return the jar. | |
Mensa vital The menu line "Mensa vital" offers meals made with fresh, regional produce, gently cooked. One dish equates a lunch for an adult with round about 750 calories. |
Good to know…
In the menu and the mensa screens all of the dishes with meat, fish or vegan and vegetarian dishes are displayed eith a certain logo.
Normally we serve one vegetarian and one vegan dish each day.
We mostly work with local and regional suppliers.
We mostly use materials that are not subject to declaration.
If possible, we prefer reusable packaging and bottles over one-way alternatives.